
Pregnancy Update Weeks 9-13

Hi Everyone,

Back for my second pregnancy update. You can read the first one here, on weeks 6,7,& 8. Also again you can watch the video recap below. In the video I mention that I intended for these weeks to be two separate updates however I really wasn't feeling well when it would've been time to film that so I did it all together. This update ends up recapping the majority of the first trimester.

Watch Video Here: 


Weeks of Pregnancy: 9-13 ( the rest of the first trimester)

Important Events: 12 week Doctors appointment with in depth ultrasound and genetic testing. We also told out parents during this time and our close friends as well. 

  • Fatigue: during the last update fatigue was my biggest symptom, it stuck around but gradually got a little bit better with each week to a normal degree by the end of the first trimester.
  • Nausea: my nausea began in week 8 and opposite the fatigue got worse with the weeks, sticking around until a bit after the end of the first trimester. I may have also mentioned this before but I experienced pretty much all of my nausea in the evenings, usually around dinner time or before until I went to bed at night. Honestly I think I prefer that to during the day when I needed to get stuff done but it was still no fun. It also meant there were many nights I couldn't stand to eat dinner or needed a very revised dinner. The smells from cooking dinner also really aggravated or brought on the nausea so I was just not interested in that. 
  • Congestion: In my first recap I mentioned how bad my nasal congestion was, often not being able to breath out of my nose. That continued for all weeks 9-13 but I did have to start using an allergy nasal spray. I could tell my allergies were getting bad and I was worried if I left them untreated they would develop into an infection. Once I started that spray things were much better but still congested overall. 
  • Breakouts: I suffered from breakouts all through the first trimester, primarily on my chest and back which is unusual for me. I did have some on my face in the very beginning but they cleared up first. The chest and back stuck around until the very end of the trimester, then mostly cleared up. This is so frustrating mostly because there are so many acne products they don't recommend using during pregnancy so there was a limited amount I could do to improve it. 
Cravings: Still not many just ate a lot of carbs. Bread, crackers, etc were my best friend. I also ate a lot of goldfish when I got sick of plain crackers. I also had a lot of "wants" for food that was in Dallas and not here so that has been tough. Its hard to move across state lines right before getting pregnant. Someone ship me all my favorites please :)

Aversions: My aversions during this time were pretty much only to smells, which sometimes meant I was unwilling to eat something due to the smell. The smells of cooking dinner in the evenings was rough for me. I also ended up putting our kitchen trash can outside most days. 

Miss Anything: Didn't miss much during this time, not really missing alcohol or anything like that. 

Weight Gain: Started my weight count from what I weighed in at my 8 week appointment since I hadn't weighed myself prior to that. I mention in the video I was scared to see that number as my appointment was right after the holidays but was pleasantly surprised and thought it was a good starting number. Will update on weight gain in the next update. 

Favorites: Didn't have many favorites yet during this time. However the humidifier was super helpful. 

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