
DIY Spring/Summer Wreath

We moved into our house a couple weeks before Christmas, but things were crazy and we hardly even got to decorate for that. We were more worried about simply unpacking and finding all of our things in the boxes. Slowly but surely the boxes have been unpacked and the house is getting decorated, one part at a time.

The weather has been really nice lately so and I try and take our pup Bentley for walks around the neighborhood as often as I can, especially before it starts to get really hot. As we walk around the neighborhood there is one big trend I noticed... wreaths on all of the front doors. They range is style and I love it, shows a little bit of the personality of the owners. I knew I wanted to one for our door as well, one for Spring & Summer then likely change it out for Fall then Christmas. However after realizing how much people charged for these things, I set out to create it myself, plus I'm always down for a good DIY project. So I set out to Michael's to get supplies, I had a 40% off everything coupon which worked out great.

Here is what I bought:
  • One twig pre-assembled wreath 
  • Four white hydrangea stems 
  • One burlap and lace bow (Michael's had a section of pre-made bows but you can also create your own) 
  • One wooden letter "B"
  • White Paint 
  • Wreath Hanger (Actually I forgot this and had to go back for it later) 
What I did:
  • Paint the wooden letter "B" with white paint and set aside to dry
  • Cut the hydrangea stems to size using sharp scissors and pliers, this takes some time and effort  
  • Fasten the bow to desired spot with attached wire
  • Stick hydrangea stems through the wreath twigs surrounding bow, once I stuck them in they were pretty secure but you can also add some hot glue 
  • Attach wooden letter with hot glue 
  • Hang wreath hook on the door, hang wreath and admire! 
I love the way this turned out and the look it gives our entry way. I cant wait to create a couple other versions in the fall and winter to swap it out with. 


Burn Boutique- 3 Months Later

Well almost three months ago I took a leap of faith to follow a dream of mine, a dream of opening my own clothing boutique, Burn Boutique. Three months later I am here to say many things: I'm so happy I did it, I find so much joy in the store, I still have so much to learn, its a new challenge everyday, and I am so hopeful to keep this going long term.

Behind the Scenes my Shooting Some Pictures for the Website
Last night I had dinner with my friend Lea, and we talked and talked for hours about life, dreams, endeavors, blogging and the store. She recently started a great fashion blog, so go check it out. You may even notice a familiar item in one of her posts. Anyway our conversation got on the topic about how when you're doing something you are truly passionate about doesn't feel like work, even if it is. That's how I feel about running the store. The week the store launched I was overflowing with pride as each order came in, of course I had the highest of hopes for the store but I was still surprised and delighted to see it do well. Three months later, I still get giddy each time the notification goes off for a new order. As you know I still work a full time job, one that can have crazy schedules and has me traveling a lot. Which means I run the boutique in the after hours... aka  nights and weekends. However I don't mind it one bit, I enjoy packing orders after work and spending weekends taking photos or working on the website. I don't mind it because I truly enjoy it and it doesn't feel like work, I don't mind giving up my time on the weekends to "work" on the store, but I sure do feel bent out of shape when my real job has me working on the weekend. All this to say I am so glad I found something I enjoy even if it isn't my "job" right now.

Picture from Latest Photoshoot
While I love running the store and I am so happy with everything I have accomplished so far I still have so much to learn and my wheels are constantly turning trying to figure out new ways to market the store and get the word out. Right now I am turning my focus to getting in front of the customers... quite literally! I have started compiling a list of vendor markets, festivals, and tradeshows that I can attend over the coming months. It is my hope to attend a couple of these events over the summer so stay tuned you may be able to come shop at an event near you!!

Its actually hard for me to believe I have barely hit the three month mark with the store because I feel like so much has happened in such a small time period. But I'm excited for everything that has happened so far and everything to come! I am excited for a new season of clothing and to see what summer can bring, I cant wait to check back in again in a couple of months and see what else has changed!

Find the Store and Shop Here:
Burn Boutique
Instagram: shopburnboutique