
Nursery Tour// Baby Boy Nursery & Video

I am so excited to share todays post!! We have had such a great time putting together the nursery for our baby boy who could arrive anytime now. If you want to see my design board and inspiration that post is here, I think it came out pretty dang close to my original vision.

Ultimately my goal was just to create a cozy, calm space that we would all enjoy being in. It is no secret I enjoy neutrals in the home but for the nursery I did want an accent wall and some color. I decided to do a Navy accent wall and then keep the rest of the space neutral, white and fluffy. I love the contrast and how it came out.

We started the space by painting the accent wall a shade of Navy, this is Sherwin Williams Rainstorm, you can see from the pictures it looks more blue or more navy in different lighting. Our plan for this wall was to add some molding to create a board and batten look, however we didn't realize how textured our walls were until we painted so we ultimately decided it wouldn't look right with the texture and decided to skip that, by the way yes my husband was thrilled not to take that on.

For the nursery furniture we looked around at several places. Originally I wanted white however while at Target randomly my husband spotted this set, which is a white wash/grey and we loved the look and quickly scooped it up. We got the matching crib and changing table dresser. We were really happy with these pieces because they weren't plastic like others we looked at and a good price point without being cheap.

Once we had the crib we used that as the jumping off point for the rest of the room decor. Luckily the nursery is a small space and you don't want to go overboard so we didn't need much. I had a hard time picking a rocker/glider for this room because I really wanted something comfortable and that would also fit in the space, plus they are pricey so I wanted to make the right choice. After reading lots of reviews we decided on the Di vinci Olive and we are thrilled. It works perfectly for the small space and is incredibly comfortable. Also our fur baby agrees as he spends most of his days laying in the seat.

I also got some floating bookshelves for above the chair to hold some of his books. For the curtains I actually layered basic grey blackout curtains and basic white sheers on top of each other. I used curtain clips to be able to layer them.
In terms of decor we didn't get a ton, just a couple pieces for above the crib and a couple above the changing table.

For above the crib I got this faux JuJu hat from Hobby Lobby which I love the way it pops against the blue wall. I also wanted a sign for above the crib but couldn't find any I liked. Luckily while at Hobby Lobby I discovered they now sell blank signs so you can design your own. I am very happy with how it came out.

For above the changing table I got these prints of baby animals off Etsy that I love. We may also put something on the wall next to the changing table and window eventually.

Check out links to everything below:

Changing Table
Di vinci Glider
Rocking Sheep
Juju Hat: Hobby Lobby
Blank Wood Sign: Hobby Lobby
Floating Bookshelves
Grey Blackout Curtains
White Sheer Curtains
Curtain Clips
Paint: Rainstorm by Sherwin Williams


36 Week Pregnancy Update + Vlog

For the last few weeks of my pregnancy I decided to do my updates a bit differently. Instead of updating every four weeks I will updating once a week, with a quick update as well as vlogging what happened that week in terms of pregnancy and prepping for baby to arrive.

In this weeks vlog you will see me talking about my cancelled Dr's appointment, buying & setting up baby stuff, getting my breast pump and the usual update on symptoms.

Weeks of Pregnancy: 36

What Happened During this Time: 
During this week not a ton happened, my doctors appointment for the week was cancelled. I spent most of the week prepping/ nesting for babies arrival. It felt really good to check some last minute things off the list and get things ready. A couple things off this list: 
  • Car seats are installed in both cars
  • I got my breast pump (after quite the ordeal, more details on that in video)
  • Got our final baby items that we ordered such as: frame stroller, pack and play, act.
  • Finished and mailed off my thank you notes from the baby shower
  • Finished washing all of babies clothes and blankets, putting them away

  • Heartburn- Still going strong, but very on and off
  • Swelling- My swelling also increased during this time and only seems to be getting worse. It is the worst in my feet, especially my right foot. At this point I have one pair of tennis shoes that barely fit and one pair of slide on sandals I have been wearing most days. I stopped wearing my wedding rings and have just been sticking to a silicone version to be safe. 
    • I will say this has been one of the symptoms that bothers me and freaks me out the most, some days my foot and lower leg just swell up so much it is crazy to think that it is normal but my doctor assured me everything is fine and it is just regular pregnancy swelling plus also probably made worse by the summer heat 
  • Pelvic Pain/ Pubic Symphysis - I mentioned in my last update that around week 31 I started having pretty severe pelvic pain, this has definitely continued into this week 
    • This has been my biggest symptom and the most uncomfortable, there are times when walking is very painful. However I will say using the belt and cutting out all lower body work has helped a lot. 
    • In addition to the pelvic pain the baby has been pushing down on my pelvis and cervix causing additional pain 
  • ICE- I think that is mostly just because it is hot, also obsessed with ice pops 
Aversions: No aversions during this time 

Weight Gain: A lot, but at this point I have accepted that I am doing pretty much everything I can do keep this in check short of eating a 100% clean diet. I have exercised my entire pregnancy and eaten healthy overall with a few extra treats. I can't keep beating myself up about it I can only continue to be as healthy as possible. Also I truly believe I have had a good amount of water retention and gain the last couple weeks with all my excessive swelling so that may be contributing to the number on the scale. 

Workouts: During this week I cut my workouts significantly just focusing on walks around the block as much as I can. I was in so much pain that doing any additional workouts just didn't seem like a good idea, much less appealing. I will continue to take this week by week. 

Favorites: (I am going to keep adding here) 
  • Cold Therapy Socks- these are my new favorite for this period and I talk about them a decent amount in the video update. They are basically ice pack socks so they feel great on pregnant achy and swollen feet. I think they also help a little bit with the swelling. I put these on at night once I know I will be sitting on the couch or in bed for a bit. 
    • Get Here: https://amzn.to/2KDDut2
  • Snoogle Pillow- Serioulsy every pregnant woman needs this pillow or a similar it is a game changer and I really have been sleeping well 
    • Get here: https://amzn.to/2JvHNXa
  • Palmers Skin Therapy Oil & Cocoa Butter- I put the oil on immediately before I get out of the shower then pat dry. It has roeshemp oil and others in it perfect for stretch marks as well as my very dry and itchy skin. Then later, usually before bed I will also apply their cocoa butter on my belly. 
    • Get here: https://amzn.to/2JxzFWb 
  • Epsom Salt Baths- with all the tailbone pain I have been taking so many epsom salt baths, they help sooth all my muscles and it also feels nice to just float when my tailbone is bothering me. I use both the Dr. Teals salts and the salt soak, often in the same tub.
  • Water Pick/ Water Flosser- This helps treat and prevent the bleeding and agitated gums that pregnancy can cause and is great for just everyday use if you're not a great flosser like me.
    • I got this travel size one here